Payroll Burden

CHS Seminar Lesson 17 - Capture Payroll Job Costs Plus Employer Burden (1st Video)

OR Post Self Performing Labor To Job Costs At Higher Billing Rate (2nd Video)

NOTE: There is a comprehensive Payroll Database in CHS that will allow you to search by Payroll Categories and produce reports of your payroll by Employee, Payroll Categories, Jobs, etc.

1st Video: Since CHS IS a full accounting and job costing program, CHS provides a very handy tool for POSTING your payroll AND for allocating wages to job costs using a marked up employee billing rate to cover the employer burden.

Post marked up payroll wages to job costs. Post hours for an employee working on a job, and CHS will post BOTH the regular wage to payroll expense and THEN use a billing markup to post a higher amount to job costs to cover the employer burden.

2nd Video: How to use CHS payroll features to post self performing labor, or in-house labor, both as wage amount to the employee and then as a higher amount to job costs to use for billing a Costs Plus customer for the home that is being built. The video demonstrates how CHS will create the necessary payroll journal entry for you, and uses having an in-house Cabinets department as an example. It will also show how the job cost will show up on a Draw Request billing to the customer.